
Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said couldn't be done.
Sam Ewing 

The course of our individual life and the events in it, as far as their true meaning and connection is concerned, may be compared to a piece of rough mosaic. So long as you stand close in front of it, you cannot get a right view of the objects presented, nor perceive their significance or beauty. Both come in sight only when you stand a little way off. And in the same way you often understand the true connection of important events in your life, not while they are going on, nor soon after they are past, but only a considerable time afterwards.

즐겁게 살기로 결심했다면
끝난 일로 끙끙 앓지 말 것, 절대 화를 내지 말 것,
항상 현재를 즐길 것, 다른 사람을 미워하지 말 것,
미래는 신에게 맡길 것.


회복의 유일한 길은 다시 시작하는 것이다.
- 체이즈

자기의 길을 걷는 사람은
누구나 다 영웅입니다.

-헤르만 헤세

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