This is how it starts.
And then it escalates.
It gets on the telly and in the press, and then other fans from other clubs start trying to outdo each other, and then it becomes about hate.
And then it's nothing to do with football anymore!
It's about gangs, and scumbags like you, roaming the country, seeing who can cause
the most trouble!
And then we overreact, and we have to put up perimeter fences, and we treat the fans like animals!
Forty, fifty thousand people, herded into pens.
And then how long before something happens?
How long before something terrible happens, and we are dragging bodies out?
- Life on Mars 1x05
가끔 생각나는 에피소드. 참 잘 만든 것 같다. 두 소년의 이야기도 좋았구ㅠㅠ 아마 모든 영국인이 그렇듯 작가도 축덕이겠지.. 본격 샘 타일러에 빙의한 작가.
Never Buy The Sun 가사 궁금해서 찾아보다가 어느새 힐스보로와 헤이젤 참사를 파고있었고 시간은 새벽 1시를 훌쩍 넘겨버렸ㅋㅋ닼ㅋ..ㅠㅠ 원래 11:30까지만 컴터할라 했는데.. 망함요 (사실 진작 망함)
근데 저 사건들이 다 80년대였다는 거. 80년대 영국은 정말 암흑기인 듯..;
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